Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas, an Islamic Perspective

Millions of people across Britain, including some misguided Muslims celebrate Christmas so where does idea of celebrating the birth of Jesus (peace be upon him) come from?

Unfortunately most people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike are unaware of the origins of this pagan celebration and either don’t know or don’t care about the view of our almighty creator on this matter.

Origins of Christmas

All Muslims respect and love Jesus Christ but no date is mentioned for the when Jesus was born, and he never taught his followers to celebrate his birth.

The early Christian’s trying to bring the Pagan’s of the Roman empire to Christianity simply hijacked one of their major festivals and began to celebrate the birth of Jesus on this day.

Such innovations, though born out of a good intention go against the nature of revealed scripture based faith, which are based upon sticking to the teachings of the prophet’s rigidly – inwardly in matters of the heart and outwardly in matters of actions and speech.

This is why Muslims believe faith is not just in the heart but also in the speech and actions of an individual. The early and righteous generations of the Muslims, the Salaf us Saalih used to say…

“Imaan is in the heart, on the tongue and the limbs.”

As such, a Muslim who celebrated Christmas negates their belief, their imaan and in principle is outside the fold of Islam.

The great scholar Ibn al-Qayyim said that to even congratulate a disbeliever on their day of worship is an act of disbelief as it showns a person is pleased with their disbelief through their speech and actions, so how much worse to actually take part in their celebrations?

Non-Muslims who read this, especially Christians should reflect and see who is really following the teaching of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him).

Don’t believe the misguidance passed down to you by people who have changed every aspect of your religion away from that revealed to Jesus and corrupted the Bible.

“Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.”
[Translation of Quran,
Chapter ali-Imran 3:85].

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